Slots and Scenarios


Slots act as dynamic placeholders that either wait for content (a passive slot) or are called out by a renderer to fill with some content. A slot can reference a repository item with content (add items to slot action) or can point at a targeter to deliver content into the slot (add items to slot targeter). Scenarios and slots work together to deliver content to the page.

While the technology of slot machines has changed over time, the basic mechanics have remained the same. The player pulls a handle to rotate a series of reels that have pictures printed on them, and wins or loses depending on which of the symbols line up with the pay line – a line running across the center of the viewing window.

The pay table of a slot will show a picture of each symbol and how much you can win for landing (typically) three, four, or five matching symbols on a payline. Most modern slot games also have multiple paylines, which increase the likelihood of landing a winning combination by creating more opportunities for matching symbols to land in a row.

Unlike traditional mechanical slot machines, modern ones use microprocessors to calculate the odds of hitting a particular symbol. The probability of a symbol appearing on each reel is assigned by the machine’s software, which weights different symbols differently based on their frequency. This can create a near-miss effect, where a symbol appears to be close to a winning one, even though it is not.