Responsible Gambling Tools at a Sportsbook

A sportsbook is a gambling establishment that takes bets on various sporting events. Its business model depends on a number of factors, including the odds of an event winning or losing, the house edge (often established in the legal betting market), and which bookmaker a bettor chooses to work with. In addition to a sportsbook’s traditional physical locations, it also offers online betting through its website.

Fortunately, the rapid expansion of legalized sports betting cries out for proportional increases in responsible gambling tools and intervention policies. Many leading sportsbooks offer customer-facing tools that help limit losses and keep recreation from spiraling into addiction. These include self-imposed deposit and wager limits, warnings, time counters, daily and weekly limits, and betting history displays.

The bettor’s goal is to minimize the risk of losing money while maximizing the potential for winning. One way to do this is to make good use of any free bets a sportsbook gives away, especially risk-free bets that are automatically refunded if they lose. The best free bets are placed on longer odds, and it is important to not bet an amount that would force you to borrow money.

Another tool is the monthly player statements that show how much a customer has won or lost, delivered through push notifications. FanDuel began tying these to its CRM in the second half of last year, and it plans to adjust the marketing messages and push notifications that a customer will see if they’ve shown early signs of problem play.

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